Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Advice to Amercian ( and Other) Tourists

When asking for Directions in the UK the correct form of address is rarely 'You Boy'! or similar. In fact, try that stuff in the wrong neighbourhood you could end up taking your teeth home in your pockets.

In addition we have different levels of service here. When a McD's employee refuses to whip you up a breakfast at midday... they cannot really do it if they want to... the cooking facilities have been dedicated to the lunch menu and they are unlikely to close that down for your late Mc Muffin. In any case hurling abuse at the guy behind the counter is unlikely to get you breakfast.

edited by CM

Cork Monkey says  - We think what we may have here is simply a rude person regardless of nationality and most Americans do have normal manners. This is worth thinking about though. Cork Monkey believes that rudeness such as this is on the increase in all developed countries - what do you think?

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