Monday, 14 November 2011

Is the Doctor In?

Are Dr Who fans to be given what they have yearned for?  Is their fave rave is to be given the Hollywood treatment?

Dr Who began in 1963 and the show closed 26 years later.  A fairly weak made for TV movie in 1996 heralded the return of a much stronger and glossier series which has made the show a top hit for the BBC.

Rumour has is that Russell T. Davies who directed four of the Harry Potter films is to direct a Dr Who movie and was currently developing a fresh treatment of the show that will enable it to transfer to the bigger screen..

A BBC spokesman said: "A Doctor Who feature film remains in development with BBC Worldwide Productions "The project is unlikely to reach cinemas for several years and as yet there is no script, cast or production crew in place."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought the last film was nothing to do with Dr Who when it came out but liked the series and torchwood. Not sure I like the sound of giving it a fresh treatment - will they just make a cross between Captain America and Speed but call it Dr Who