Sunday, 20 November 2011

Is that the Matterhorn then! Naked Hiking in the Alps

The highest Court in Switzerland's highest court rules authorities can impose fines on people who decide to hike naked in the Alps.

This is becoming quite a problem as wandering about an Alp in the buff is becoming increasingly popular by those seeking a particular kind of freedom and no sense or personal modesty.

The federal court threw out the appeal by a man fined 100 Swiss francs (£69; $109) for strolling past a family picnic area in all his glory, his balls jingling in the breeze and his best friend slapping against his thigh. The man was fined for walking bare-arsed (although it was not his arse that was the problem) past a family with small children who were using the picnic area and a Christian rehabilitation centre for drug users in Appenzell. He was naked as a baby and showing far more of Gods creation than one really wants to see in the flesh.

Switzerland does not have a law against public nudity it does have one against public indecency.

Judges felt the region of Appenzell had been entitled to uphold a law on public decency which they understood to be tension with desire to wander about in your birthday suit but against which it needed to be balanced.
They concluded that a prohibition on naked hiking was only a minor infringement on personal liberties when stacked against the right for you not to have to explain to your children why they have had an eyeful of an old mans scrotum.

This man has only got himself to blame. If he had kept to the areas where this has gone on for years but there is either no-one to see or no-one who cares he would have been fine.

But he had to force others to participate, a common problem with the mainland european naturist - they want to force the world into seeing them naked in the supermarket for no good reason. 

This kind of person has a firm view of their own freedom and little regard for everyone elses seeing little more than a world stopping them from doing as they please and not recognising that freedom for the rest of the world includes not having an unexpected eyeful at a picnic and then having to explain stuff to your kids when you should be tucking in to your frankfurters and pickled onions.

CM (:-(|)

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