Oh great, more football! These are, we believe similar but not the same.
They are hard candy sweets. It would appear that humbugs can be in variety of colours but are usually dark brown and tan or something similar and Everton mints are typically black and white.
So are they related to football?
Everton is a suburb of the city of Liverpool in the UK. It has a strong community identity and its own football team.
A Toffee sweet made by a toffeeshop close to the Everton football ground was sold to football spectators as the ”Everton Toffee” on the way to the match. It became quite famous locally so when Everton Football Club moved the location of its ground others sought to imitate the success of this venture and so the Everton Mint was created. Humbugs are also believed to have originated In the North of England and that Humbug is also means a joke, hoax or nonsense is probably a coincidence. It is unlikely to have been related to football either.
Anyway you can find both humbugs and Everton Mints at Bay Traditional Sweets who provided the samples for research…. Honest guv, we were working and didn’t enjoy eating them at all. (:(|)CM
bay traditional sweets are very fast - very impressed dont know what their everton mints or humbugs are like - yuk old folks sweets - but they have freddos!!!
Humbugs are better than everton mints. If Freddos are the Freddo the Frog chocalate bars you can get a caramel one now. You could only get the chocolate when I was kid.
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